Every part of Australia is,
always was and always will be,
Aboriginal land.

As a community gathering-place, a festival of arts, cultural exchange and celebration and as a site for the sharing of ideas and stories, Ten Days on the Island pays respect to the Palawa/Tasmanian Aborigines – The original owners and cultural custodians - of all the lands and waters across Lutruwita/Tasmania upon which our Festival takes place.

With thanks to the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre for place names and other words in palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian Aborigines.

Tasmania becomes the stage for Ten Days on the Island

Join us for Festival 2025 and become part of the story with communities around the state.

By partnering with Ten Days on the Island, you will achieve your business objectives in a culturally vibrant, innovative and unique environment, while at the same time investing in Tasmania and its people.

Contact our team to discuss how a corporate partnership with Ten Days on the Island can benefit your organisation and make a difference to the Tasmanian community.

Phone: +61 3 6406 0200
Email:  stephanie.finn@tendays.org.au

Quick Facts

97% of audiences said they believe it is important that Tasmanian businesses support the local arts and cultural sector.

86% of Audiences said that they feel more positive towards organisations that supported Ten Days in the Island in 2023.


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