Every part of Australia is,
always was and always will be,
Aboriginal land.

As a community gathering-place, a festival of arts, cultural exchange and celebration and as a site for the sharing of ideas and stories, Ten Days on the Island pays respect to the Palawa/Tasmanian Aborigines – The original owners and cultural custodians - of all the lands and waters across Lutruwita/Tasmania upon which our Festival takes place.

With thanks to the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre for place names and other words in palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian Aborigines.

There’s something about artists. The way they inhabit the world, move through the environment and observe the stuff of life around them. They are extraordinary humans with an inherent curiosity and an innate way of connecting. Then they train hard, and experiment, and listen, and they create art in all its many forms to make sense of the world and to share their interpretations. And they create more art. And they keep creating, filling the world with joy, dreams, heartache, confusion, learning, relief, and epiphanies. They are conduits, messengers, and shamans but they are also our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, and friends.

I talk to artists all the time and I cannot believe my luck. They allow me to tap into ideas and feelings that bring me so much life.

As we look ahead to the next Ten Days on the Island, in just under a year, I wanted to develop a way for you to meet some of our key festival artists, giving you a chance to get to know them, to share a drink and a chat.

Then when you experience their work next March, I know how much you will gain; how you will feel personally connected and have a whole layer of understanding and insight into what you are seeing and hearing.

Please join me as I introduce you to some incredible humans and some of the amazing artists we are working with for the Festival.

Step Inside…

